Gateway Roleplay Wiki
Gateway Roleplay Wiki

Amelia Bennett is a main character and survivor of the outbreak in GWR's The Lone Star. She is a member of the group at the Crossroads.


Washington, District of Colombia[]

Amelia works for the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She owned a home Alexandria, Virginia.


Jubillee, Texas[]

Amelia flew out to Texas to investigate another victim of a cross country serial killer that occurred in Jubilee.

Season 1[]

"New Dawn"[]

Amelia appears in this episode.

Killed Victims[]

  • An Unnamed Suspect in a Shootout (Pre-Apocalypse)
  • Numerous counts of zombies.



Season 1[]


  • TBA


TV Series Characters
St. Anne's Church MorganEmmaBartholomewMaisieFrankThomasSarahBobShaunJerry
Jonathan's Group JonathanMaxineJacquelineJackRafaelCarmenSantiagoJonah
Moss Family AnnaMitchell
Golf Course Group Ming-ZhuChrisLowellSethHaythamDanielleDanica
Crossroads Group AmeliaHankChristopherTimofeiJacksonJosephWilliam
The Militiamen TravisWilly
Miscellaneous Survivors JimmyNikolaiTalalGeorgeLaurenMiguelJayNoahRoseIsaiahRayKyleeAngelinaJesse
Animals SugarMr. Whiskers
Alive characters appear in green. Dead characters appear in red and italics. Unknown characters appear in blue. Undead characters appear in gray and italics.