Gateway Roleplay Wiki
This article is about the What Remains character. For other pages with the same name, see: David

David Blane was a survivor of the outbreak in GWR's What Remains. He was an employee of WXXI in some capacity prior to the Bombing of Pittsford.


Providence, Rhode Island[]

David worked for WPRI as a camera operator. He also appears in a flashback, managing both the cameras and the teleprompter for WPRI.


Monroe County, New York[]

It is unknown what David did for several years; however, Raymond McCormick mentioned that David worked for WXXI in some capacity.

Season 1[]


David appeared in this episode.

Season 2[]

"Questionable Ethics"[]

When fighting their way to the Ranger Field Office, the members of Coalition Unit 2-15 came across David's body slumped against a car in The Breach's parking garage.

Killed Victims[]

This list shows the victims David has killed in What Remains.

  • Numerous counts of zombies and possibly unnamed people.


Season 1[]

Season 2[]



What Remains Characters
Valley Station, Kentucky ClarenceHeavenSamantha
Monroe Resident 11Resident 12Resident 13FaithAbbyJorgeArturoAiden's FatherKentDavidMaria
The Crows KretschmannCrow 4Crow 2Crow 1Koyangwuti
Carl's Group Bandit 7Bandit 8Lead MillerMiller GuardBandit 21Bandit 26Bandit 25Owen's FriendShotgun Bandit 4Bandit 22Bandit 21Bandit 23Sniper 3Bandit 19Gunner 2Bandit 20Bandit 18Shotgun Bandit 3Bandit 17Bandit 16Bandit 14Shotgun Bandit 2Gunner 1Bandit 15Bandit 12Sniper 2Shotgun Bandit 1Bandit 2Sniper 1Bandit 4Bandit 3Bandit 6Bandit 1Bandit 3
Porto Alegre’s Hospital of Divine Providence AnaAntônioMariaFernandaSouza
The Coalition ScottReceptionistRanger #1Ranger #2Ranger #3Ranger #4Ranger #5Miranda's AssistantHeathGardnerJacobMontyHansonD. RoscoeC. LandiniM. WeaverB. GrissomPikeJacobSquiresVyneTillisHorganAntonioLouRubyPamJoeDevonElliottCraigWalterDillonChristopherAndrewJimPaulGloriaNadiaTimStaceyLeighMonicaWillPhilipAlanSeanTeddyThomasBaakoGrandmotherCallahan
Doll Faces ProphetJackalK-Mart
Jones Family AnnaDexterDalton
Brighton Black BearGarrisonTara's FatherOverseerAgent
Rutherford Family FranklinLinda
Epsilon Station MartinMatthewEppsArneKarenByronMargolisWhiteFerguson
Varnado Family EsaiMother
Los Angeles, California CarmenArmitageSciaccaAshleyAndre WalkerRavenAkiraDavid
Miscellaneous Survivors Man in RedVagrantRichardSandraElizabethTariqKyleJosephPaulValenteRascaJackieAnastasia
Red Eyes Forest MonsterLeech MotherVánagandr
Alive characters appear in green. Dead characters appear in red and italics. Unknown characters appear in blue. Undead characters appear in gray and italics.