Gateway Roleplay Wiki

John was a member of the United States Military in AGN's The Road Ahead. He was assigned to the Washington Dam to provide security. He often patrols the observation booth.


Very little is known about John's life before or as the outbreak began, except that he was a soldier in the United States Military.


The Road Ahead (Volume 1)[]

John was seen patrolling the containment cells after the survivors first arrived at the Washington Dam. He had minimal interaction with them before Bill Peterson swapped out with him.

John was seen in the observation booth standing guard several times after this.

John is among the personnel killed by the infected during the Washington Dam Breach having been unable to escape the decommissioned tunnels.

Killed Victims[]

  • Numerous counts of infected.


Killed By:[]

  • Infected (Off-Screen)

John is among the Washington Dam Personnel killed in the decommissioned tunnels when the breach occurred as he was not seen among those who safely evacuated either with Adamson or on Charlie and Mac's helicopter.


  1.  John has not been seen since his introduction in Issue 10 and several events occurred that have left his fate unclear. However, with the breach in the Washington Dam Quarantne, several people are killed as indicated by the near completely devoured corpses left behind in the decommissioned tunnels. In addition, all of the remaining personnel on the dam were evacuated with Adamson or Charlie and Mac, and anyone not seen with them can be considered a casualty of the breach, including John who was not with the remaining personnel in Issue 13.
The Road Ahead Characters
Highway Group RodneyNatalia Nilda Locke SerenaFrankie Bugsy Jayden Nefertiti Benjamin Derrick Bob Sunday Rico TerranceFlex DanielMarlow Alexander Logan ShellyHarleyLlewelynMalcolmSophia TimothyLennySamuelVictorAriannaOdranRogerCarolineNinaGracieMarquiseAliceJasonChetAlfonsoQuincy WinstonLindaChuck
Holliday Family Byron Warren Anthony Karen
Byron's Group Cameron Blake Junior Suzie Evan DickBonnie
United States Military Franklin Donald Katelyn Eric Camilo Blake Teel Howard Lengyel Richard Hector
Fairhaven Police Department Arthur Peter Samantha Shirley Celestia
Federal Emergency Management Agency Jacob Oscar Rick
The Country Club David Lance Astrid Jack Theodore Caleb CharlieAlana Donnie Virtus
The Resort Hannah Peter Jason Colton
The Compound Rafael Miles Timofei Jonathan Edward Eddie SashaEmberRivkaZekeNoraJeremiah Percy Helen HenryJesperCruzRubyStanFelixCalvin
Illinois Marc Tanya Dominik Kalikona Noah Dolores Kate MillerJ.C.IsaiahTrayvonLayneThomasBenjaminNaqibaMichaelHenryJohnAidanAthennaJiminCodyLarryCodyAshariBernardAuroraMylesHarleyJackJonahAlfonsRobertArlosNohaQuinnGerardMarcusCarrickHarryIanJonasReikaFrancisBrandonAmberDekkerDanteAurelie VadimBrunoKaulderSonnyCassyEthan
White Horse Creek Sally Jessie Hope Kenneth John
Fairhaven Bobby Sid Kirk Jones Tucker Chad Shannon Andrew
The Mongols Monty MarshallGunner Billard RonnieFrank LelandTankard HarrisonBrewer Owen ClancyGare Marns Roosevelt Saw Ted MitchellJulia Ernest JackMeat Buck RichterNoiseAlan Rooster Nate Gears Ted Quentin Tony RussDesmondLeeRoyEdwardFreddieHollyThomasJenna
Fairhaven Fire Department Henry
Andy's Group Andy Ralph Ashley
Colin's Group Colin Bo
Washington Dam Quarantine Bill Charlie Mac Miguel BeakerRhonda Dean Sebastian Trahan Tommy Nicholas Marlene HunterBurtErnieJohnClintColeJoycePhyllisLiamDylanDallasLingardeConnor Philip Brianna Gideon
Stonepoint Manorhouse Group Joshua Palmer Gavin Martin AntonRonald ParkerConrad John SofiaWilliam
Mongol Newcomers Gerard Sebastian Jack
Neutral Economy Zone Thais David Anna Ryan Emilia Curtis Laura Anthony Boris Cody Moira Isabelle BuckElla Earl Ross AndrewJessica Amanda Alex Nataru
Manor Newcomers Santiago Marsisol Ernest Lillian Austin Abraham Tyrone Walter Dylan Isaac Richard Miranda Paul
Port Famouth Duke
Red Fox Trading Company SmithyJill
Wal-Mart Survivor Camp Todd Michelle Aaron Kent Taylor Joe Sally Wade Juliette Lloyd Yvette Ian
Curtis' Group SanchezColtonMadison
Miscellaneous Survivors James Delilah QuoteBrianCarterLeslieCallum
Animals Amunet
Alive characters appear in green. Dead characters appear in red and italics. Unknown characters appear in blue. Undead characters appear in grey and italics.