Gateway Roleplay Wiki
What We Become

"Make it mean something."

—John's last words to Don.

John MacMillan is a main character and survivor of the outbreak in AGN's What We Become. He is a member of a group of survivors breaking off from the Louisville Migrant Caravans. He became one of the first newcomers to join the group holding out in the Valley Station Shopping Center.

Some months later, John rose in the ranks and ended up becoming a right-hand man to Miles Krueger and a reliable soldier for the militia group out of the mall. He participated in the war against the Disciples of Lazarus alongside many others in his group, managing to survive numerous assaults on several outposts spread across the Valley. Toward the end of the conflict, the Disciples launched an offensive retaliation against the mall, destroying the defenses and ultimately scattering the group.

The remains of the group, including John MacMillan agreed to stage a last-ditch attack to rescue several captured residents at the Quarry. He was critically injured in a blast from a grenade and decided to stay behind to hold off an onslaught of infected while the others escaped.


Location Unknown[]

Nothing is known about John's life prior to or as the outbreak began, except that he was a soldier for the Special Boat Service (SBS).


Valley Station, Kentucky[]

At some point after the outbreak, John started making his way for the Valley Station Shopping Mall to seek refuge, on the way, he encountered a group: Don Jones, Thomas Parish, Victoria Dahlia, Lexi Cole, Tyler Aaron, Mark D'Angelo and a blind man, Danh Loi and joined the group on their journey to the mall.

Season 1[]

"Days Gone"[]

John appeared in this episode.


John appeared in this episode.

"Red River"[]

John appeared in this episode.

"Dead Weight"[]

John appeared in this episode.

"No Way Out"[]

John appeared in this episode.

"Washed Away"[]

John appeared in this episode.

Season 2[]

"Settling In"[]

John appeared in this episode.


John appeared in this episode.


John appeared in this episode.

"Toss of a Coin"[]

John appeared in this episode.


John will appear in this episode.

"Killer Within"[]

John will appear in this episode.

"Long Road Ahead"[]

John will appear in this episode.

"A New Day"[]

John will appear in this episode.

"Leviticus 17:11"[]

John will appear in this episode.


John will appear in this episode.

"Better Angels"[]

John will appear in this episode.


John will appear in this episode.

"The Moth"[]

John will appear in this episode.

"What We Became"[]

John will appear in this episode.

Killed Victims[]

  • Alexei Korodvi
  • Esther
  • Chris Carter (Indirectly Caused)
  • Sonia Keyes (Alongside Miles and Thomas)
  • 12 unnamed Disciples (3 Alongside Miles, Don, and Anderson)
  • Numerous counts of zombies.


Don Jones[]


Thomas Parish[]


Lexi Cole[]


Danh Loi[]


Victoria Dahlia[]


Tyler Aaron[]


Mark D'Angelo[]



Season 1[]


